29. Mosigkau Palace and garden

Mosigkau Palace and garden are some of the last remaining Rococo ensembles in Central Germany. Princess Anna Wilhelmine of Anhalt-Dessau (1715-1780) built the palace as her summer residence. The garden features extensive flowering beds in summer, exotic potted plants, and a maze for exploring.

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The delightful palace and garden of Mosigkau were built between 1752 and 1757. Since the first designs of the palace were probably made by Georg Wenzelslaus von Knobelsdorff, the architect of the famous Sanssouci Palace in Potsdam, Mosigkau is often called "Little Sanssouci" to this day. 24 rooms in the palace are now open to the public. The gallery hall contains numerous exquisite paintings by Dutch and Flemish masters presented in a uniquely Baroque manner, i.e. they have been hanged without any gaps in between.

What was originally a Baroque garden has been redesigned several times and now features a variety of garden styles. However, the basic structure, the orangeries, the Chinese pavilion, and the maze still reflect the original formal design.

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